Il est arrêté à l'aéroport d'Alger le 27 juin 2016 et emprisonné pour « offense aux institutions et au président de la République »[1],[4] suite à des publications sur son blog et sa page Facebook[3]. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. A freelance journalist residing in Great Britain, Mohamed Tamalt returned to Algeria on 18 June 2016 and was arrested near his family's home in Algiers on 27 June 2016 by military security agents. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. C’est la question posée par des militants des droits humains qui réclament, depuis quelques jours, la vérité quant à la mort de ce journaliste: « Il n’a commis aucun crime, mais, s’est seulement exprimé à travers sa page Facebook, à propos des dépassements qui ont eu lieu en Algérie tout en critiquant la mafia au sommet du pouvoir », ont-ils indiqué. Très renommée dans les îles créoles, en Outre-Mer et en Afrique, cette boisson est brassée telle une bière. He spent the last three months in a coma, said Abdelkader Tamalt, his brother. “We have neither the right nor the power to prevent someone from staging a hunger strike, and neither the right nor the power to intervene in court decisions.”, Harsh Facebook Posts, Jail and Now Death: A Man’s Fate Angers Algeria, the president’s incapacity after a stroke in 2013 has set off a power struggle. Le pays occupe désormais la 134ème place sur 180 pays. Jugé le 11 juillet 2016, il est condamné à deux ans de prison ferme, pour « outrage à corps constitué » et « atteinte à la personne du président de la République » dans des publications sur son compte Facebook[2]. “The family refused to sign the notification by bailiffs that specifies that lawyers filed an application to obtain the entire medical report from beginning to end,” Sidhoum explained. Ses obsèques sont suivies par plusieurs centaines de personnes et il est inhumé au cimetière de Bachdjarah, un quartier populaire d'Alger où il a grandi[2]. Assassinat ou mort naturelle ? Today, Human Rights Watch reports Tamalt has been sentenced to 2 Years in prison. “We have nothing to hide,” he said in a statement on Wednesday. However, his family are seeking further investigation into his death and hope the whole medical file will provide some answers into his condition before he died while in detention. Our organisations are calling for the Algerian authorities to: Our organisations are also calling for the European Union and its Member States to contact the Algerian authorities and express their concerns relating to the circumstances surrounding the death of Mohamed Tamalt and for the need for an impartial and transparent investigation. En tous cas les journalistes algériens ont bel et bien compris le message et semblent céder au régime algérien terrorisant les rares voix qui osent le dénoncer. “We are saddened by his death,” a spokesman at the British Embassy in Algiers said by telephone on Wednesday. It is the first time a journalist is known to have died in government detention in Algeria since its independence from France in 1962, and it comes amid tension as the president’s incapacity after a stroke in 2013 has set off a power struggle in the top echelons around him. Guarantee the freedom of expression in accordance with the Algerian Constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratified by Algeria. Algeria’s independent news media did not at first rally behind Mr. Tamalt, since much of the material he produced was poorly sourced and seemed to cross the line into libel, but it did report growing demands for his release and now for an investigation into his death. Mohamed went on hunger strike once he was arrested in 27 June 2016 and that was protest of the arbitrariness of his detention. “But there was also some kind of overzealousness from the regime side.”, Ihsane El Kadi, the editor of an online business newspaper, Maghreb Emergent, who met Mr. Tamalt several times, said he had been “obsessed with writing against the regime.”. Poet Mohamed Tamalt was arrested on June 27th for posting a video to Facebook that featured a poem critical of Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Activate your network and share this story. Amnesty International comme Reporters sans frontières[3], appela les autorités algériennes à « ouvrir une enquête indépendante, approfondie et transparente sur les circonstances de la mort » de Mohamed Tamalt et estimant que les actions visant à protéger la réputation des personnalités publiques doivent relever d’une procédure civile et non pas pénale[4]. Tamalt began his three month hunger strike this year to protest against his prison sentence of two years for criticising President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in a poem online. « atteinte à la personne du président de la République », « ouvrir une enquête indépendante, approfondie et transparente sur les circonstances de la mort », "Algérie : mort d'un journaliste emprisonné pour "offense au président", "Algérie: foule à l'enterrement d'un journaliste mort en détention", "Foule aux funérailles du journaliste algérien mort en prison", "Le journaliste algérien Mohamed Tamalt meurt en prison", "Liberté de la presse : le lourd héritage de Bouteflika",, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. En effet, une requête signée par plus d’une quarantaine de députés pour la mise en place d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire sur les circonstances de la mort du journaliste Mohamed Tamalt, le 11 décembre au centre hospitalo-universitaire Maillot, sera déposée, ce dimanche 18 décembre, au bureau de l’Assemblée populaire nationale (APN). It was only after his death that the Minister of Justice stated that the judicial authorities accepted the application to investigate the injuries submitted by his family. Algeria: Bouteflika Resignation an Opening for Rights. During the trial at the Court of First Instance, where he was sentenced to 2 years in prison, the Court of Algiers had reclassified the case in order to include Article 144 of the Penal Code which provides for up to two years in prison. Boisson maltée non alcoolisée, Vitamalt se lance pour mission de prendre soin de vous. Mohamed Tamalt is a human rights defender and an independent Algerian journalist who had been based in Great Britain and who was openly critical of the Algerian government as means of improving human rights in the country. Pas tous, mais plutôt seulement quelques pseudos opposants, dont l’Alliance pour l’Algérie verte, El Adala, Karim Tabbou et Ahmed Betatache (les deux ex-premiers secrétaires du FFS). While his writings and methods were not always admired, he was liked for his joyful mood and funny tone. Dès le jour de son arrestation, il cesse de s'alimenter[1]. Ils ont, d’ailleurs, tous défendu la thèse du suicide. Join Facebook to connect with Mohamed Tamalt and others you may know. Sa peine est confirmée en appel le mois suivant, le 9 août. His conviction was subsequently confirmed at the appeal on 9 August. Il semblerait que la mort du Journaliste Mohamed Tamalt en prison après avoir entamé une longue grève de la faim a attiré les députés algériens. In a Facebook post published on 8 June, he stated his desire to return to Algeria despite the many death threats he had received as a result of the texts and videos criticizing Algerian political leaders that he published on his blog. Selon l'administration pénitentiaire, il serait mort d'une « infection pulmonaire »[4]. C'est en effet le prénom du prophète de l'Islam, mais aussi celui du dernier imam des musulmans chiites, Mohamed el Mehdi. Il faut le dire, c’est plutôt une question d’intérêts et de couilles», souligne un journaliste Kabyle. Nous savons tous qu’il a été emprisonné injustement, avant d’oser dire qu’il a été assassiné», nous confia un ex agent des renseignements généraux. Si j’étais Mohamed Tamalt, le 11 juillet dernier, un tribunal d’opérette m’aurait condamné à 2 ans de prison ferme. An indefinite 2001 ban on protests continue to remain in force in the capital Algiers. This is an extremely serious event that shows the results of the repression of critical voices, the instrumentalisation of justice and contempt for freedom and human life. Mr. Tamalt was not arrested by the police but by intelligence agents, said Salima Tlemçani, a journalist who specializes in security and court issues. A freelance journalist residing in Great Britain, Mohamed Tamalt returned to Algeria on 18 June 2016 and was arrested near his family's home in Algiers on 27 June 2016 by military security agents. “The message sent by this tragic event is terrifying: How to explain that Tamalt’s state of health was allowed to deteriorate without doing anything?” she said. A court in Tipaza ordered the results of Tamalt’s autopsy to be given to the family, according to the family’s lawyer Amine Sidhoum, however the report is likely to reveal little of the reasons behind his death. It was only then that his family noticed he has a scar on his head that they fear may be connected to his subsequent death. His health continued to deteriorate rapidly when he was in prison and this led to his hospitalisation in August 2016. The application for bail filed by his lawyers in early July was denied. Résident en Angleterre depuis 2002 — il possédait également la nationalité britannique —[1],[3], il écrivait des articles pour le journal El Khabar, pour lequel il avait longtemps été le correspondant à Londres[3]. “He was unfortunately much too often into libeling and sullying people’s private life that would justify judicial proceedings in any country,” said Hadjer Guenanfa, a reporter with the news agency Tout Sur l’Algérie. D'origine arabe, Mohamed est certainement le prénom le plus illustre et le plus significatif pour les musulmans. The prison administration announced that Mohamed Tamalt had suffered a stroke, which had required surgery, and that his condition had deteriorated recently because of a lung infection. “I am sure the injury has something to do with that. Mohamed Tamalt is on Facebook. « Le bureau de l’APN devrait étudier cette requête sur la forme avant de la soumettre au vote de l’Assemblée en séance plénière», précise une source locale. “They want to report the results to the family, but without giving the expert report drawn up by the prison doctor, the head of the resuscitation department and the forensic pathologist,” Sidhoum added.
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