Make not which is closest north. It starts with two raid-wide hits followed up by two towers that tanks need to soak. You can assign them however you please, but continuing with the theme of this fight, we moved them clockwise, so the northeastern DPS should go behind the eastern healer, while the southeastern DPS should go behind the off-tank in the south, and so forth. This will happen twice before Hades begins to cast his enrage. Arcane Attack: There are two different attacks that this can be. Have the healer place themselves in between the middle and their marker. Welcome to the final and by far the easiest phase. Posted by. I’ve wiped at 1% before, where Hades’ health was at around a quarter when he started casting. As Universal Manipulation begins casting, prepare to rotate clockwise into your assigned cardinal position. Stand behind the person on a little circle that is formed (assuming the tanks/healera stand where they need to be) or in other words just slightly behind the person. This is what some have trouble with. Additionally, this will target one healer who needs to move out of the group. When the spread hits, there will be safe spots where it didn’t touch. Assign placement of players with a 1 marker. Tldr; stand behind t/h clockwise of you facing away. Upon casting, everybody gets 3 debuffs, which is based on whether you’re a tank/healer or a DPS. Get near the boss and spread on separate clock phases to avoid clipping each other. Immediately go to that little patch to avoid death. Have their north and south DPS stand north and south of them (preferably south will be ranged). Back to Hades! Shadow Flare is a heavy raid-wide attack that will occur immediately after, and if you’re DPS is lacking, it will also be the name of the enrage later. It’s easy to get turned around without some markers. Tanks will need to soak meteors. © 2020 Hardcore Gamer LLC. I enjoy and will often write about great foodie places to visit, my travels, bike adventures, console and computer games including FFXIV, anime, music and guitars, technology and gadgets. Don't touch anything or turn your character until you get hit by lightning. Hades (Extreme) Guide – Final Fantasy XIV. Everyone will be given a debuff, either ice or fire: Tanks will need to pick up their respective enemy and move them away from one another. Tanks and Healers start healing each other up, but you care about the donuts. Be sure to either practice with your statics or find the plentiful prog runs that are flooding the Duty Finder during the day. Hades will then do the same attack combo again, Dark Current, Gigantomachy and Quadrastrike. Press J to jump to the feed. You will get pushed back. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, Cursed Shriek (Petrification) will go off immediately after DPS are pushed back, so make sure everyone is looking outward (including DPS). Enjoy the two totems, and hopefully you get the weapon you’ve been looking for, the Faded Copy of Invincible, Hades’s Auracite (for crafting a trophy or barding) and of course the new Dragon mount. With the latest 5.1 patch in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, we not only saw a lot of improvements to current systems, but also received a bevy of new content ranging from Beast Tribes to a phenomenally well-designed Alliance Raid. The cone attack that follows the tether will occur when the second meteor hits, so aim each tether towards the third or first meteor placements. In a diamond shape, place A, B, C and D markers in the middle most octagon (where the lines cross). Team A needs to get hit by the circle and will be knocked back, Healers will be marked with straight-line AoEs, 1 T/H pair position to get pushed at north, 1 T/H pair position to get pushed at south, DPS position to get pushed on east and west areas separately. Off-Balance: Considerable knockback when hit. On the right side of the arena, go below or above an exaflare. Ravenous Assault: A two-hitting tank buster. Start right at the back and take them up the two lanes that the healers are not in (closest to the middle). After this point, he will begin to cast his enrage of Gigantomachy. Immediately following Quake III, the tanks will get a large AOE marker while the Healers will receive a stack-up marker. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Split into your groups. EX: If you were NE, you would stand behind the east healer. When that goes off, get behind it. The more times you’re hit, the further you get tested. Preferably A north, B east, C south and D west, but it’s up to the leader. The two southern DPS (preferably ranged), will be auto-targeted with bleed puddles. Bad Faith: A very easy mechanic to dodge. Right behind them should be a spot that a single donut will hit you. Hungry not just for food, but for life!! I believe you can survive at around 40%, maybe even 50% with good mitigation, but if you don’t get him down fast enough he will kill quite a few. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. All rights reserved. Again the Martyr: This is a mechanic I’ve seen lots of farm parties even have some trouble with as it looks like a whole mess that’s going on. Dark Current: Hades will summon exaflares from both sides of the room. He will begin to cast Quake III. Hades will need to be at 10% to get to the next phase. You will need to drop to 1 HP too get rid of Beyond Death, otherwise it will take your HP down to 0. Simply position yourself behind the wall. Starting with "A Realm Reborn" and the expansions include "Heavensward", "Stormblood", and "Shadowbringers"! Blight -- raidwide AoE -- get DPS healed up before! Acts similarly to Holmgang in that you won’t die from the hit that gets you to 1 hp). There’s just a lot of dodging the platforms that come down from the sky. Get knocked back facing way, get hit by lightning, go to miniboss then pray. its kinda hard to tell because theres so much going on but i think it might be the doom phase and theres a part on the guide video where it says the dps has to stand behind a tank or healer to soak damage but i dont really know when to do that, After the two adds you find your buddy, dps usually rotate clockwise and dps must get hit by one of the purple aoes, knocking them back while turning away and dropping a large circle aoe. You’ve successfully (I hope) made it through Phase two. A wall of spikes will appear on both sides of the arena, one facing north, the other south. Upon the resolution of Shriek, wait a second for Forked Lightning to drop away from everyone else. So first off, have your healers and tanks stand on their markers and a DPS on the outside of them. This is a healer-heavy portion, so hopefully they’re on their game. If there’s a lot of casters, this might be more ideal. You need to bring his health down to 30% to move onto phase 4. Congratulations! Preferably A north, B east, C south and D west, but it’s up to the leader. In a diamond shape, place A, B, C and D markers in the middle most octagon (where the lines cross). Ancient Double: The first part isn’t too different from the original fight, just now with a couple of attacks that double up. Go to the furthest northwest or northeast (depending which side you’re one) and get into that safe zone. Quadrastrike: This is a nasty combo. Healers will get a stack marker while DPS have an ice AOE. Again the Abyssal Celebrant: There will be six line AOEs that’s similar to Shadow Spread going out, along with line stack on the healers. Shadow Spread: Everyone must be in their placement here. im confused about the hades ex phase 2 [End-game Discussion] i know the fight pretty well on dps but i still keep dying on phase 2. after i kill the 2 shades with the fire/blizzard mechanic. There will now be one below you. The only other mechanic is the two will recast Fire and Ice Sphere, and will swap your debuffs, so tanks especially need to get ready to swap targets with Provoke. It really depends on your party make-up. This of this if you cast Double in other Final Fantasy games. u/-Valic-1 month ago. i know the fight pretty well on dps but i still keep dying on phase 2. after i kill the 2 shades with the fire/blizzard mechanic. Essentially move up, then down, then up again to remain in a safe spot. Since you mentioned you’re a DPS, let’s break down what to do. After that you can go go boss. You will also need to button mash in an “Active Time Maneuver” to get out of Hades’ hold. This is arguably the hardest section of the entire fight because it’s very easy to misplace a mechanic and kill a tank, ultimately ending in a reset. These two will appear shortly after Quake III goes off and start casting a giant raid-wide attack that needs to be healed through. DPS northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, I generally prefer ranged in the south and melee in the north to make things easier later on. CAN BE ON TANKS. Gigantomachy: A massive raid-wide attack, bringing all but tank’s health generally below 50%. A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online", also known as FFXIV or FF14. A healer will need to stack with their tank and their northern DPS for this as they’ll be hit three times. Fell Cleave is love, Fell Cleave is life. I'm all but certain that Hades EX will have a third phase referencing older FF Hades now. This will grab them and trap anyone in the AOE in an “Aetherial Gaol” that will kill them if DPS is slow. It’s best for the main tank to use their invulnerability ability on the first one, and if you get to the second one, have the main tank one hit, and the off tank provoke and take the second. r/ffxiv: A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online", also known as FFXIV or FF14. Finally, Hades will unleash another raid-wide attack that (hopefully) your healers have gotten everybody’s health back as this also hits for more than 50% HP, not to mention adds a bleed effect. Get all latest content delivered straight to your inbox. While we covered the latter, it’s now to talk about the Extreme trial, Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy. I stop reading when I read the most complicated mech on shadowbringers ex. Dark Seal: He will place two expanding orbs on the platform, one east, one west. Think Proto Ozma from Baldesion Arsenal, except for dispelling it, they will leave a trail of bleed pools wherever they run. When the exaflare below or above you goes off, move behind it. Healers have to get ready on this one. Do not overlap otherwise you will die. Broken Faith: Not a whole lot has changed here from the original fight.
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